Specialty Archery

1/4" Pink #6 Verifier

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  • $41.99
  • Regular price $59.99
  • 1 available

  • Don’t let changes in your vision compromise your ability to make the shot.
  • The Verifier has a lens in it similar to those found in reading glasses.  
  • Allows you to see your sight pins better on your hunting sight.
  • The Verifier lens sharpens the picture so pins are easy to see.
  • The Large Verifier fits in the Large #749-37L or #749-37LH Peep using the 210078 Dual Aperture Wrench (sold separately).
  • The Large Verifier (with approximately a 3/16″ field of view) is available in #4 (Silver), #5 (Purple), #6 (Pink), #7 (Blue), #8 (White) or #9 (Orange).
    • #4 is the weakest, #9 is the strongest.
  • The peep should be inserted in the string so the side with the verifier, clarifier, or aperture is on the side you look through.